Posts filed under Un-Blog Me!

All things must pass

Martin Scorsese's recent documentary on George Harrison filled me with a deep spiritual satisfaction, both rare and beautiful. As I grapple with the deaths of my friend, Elana, and of my brother, Larry, near the 47th anniversary of my father's passing, I reach for the kind of solace Harrison exuded and Scorsese captured and illuminated in his exquisite film. I am reminded of the song and biblical sentiment, "All things must pass." Indeed. Grief is a mysterious thing. As I go through my daily activities, I find myself at once mourning my loss, as if a part of myself has died with those I love, and celebrating my incredible good fortune; I'm here! Life is sweet and tragic. The end of a short life is tragic while the end of suffering is sweet. Holding these thoughts and emotions in balance is my challenge, maybe the challenge. Many wonderful memories sustain me, as does the music of George Harrison. Who can't relate to the haunting lyrics and chords of "While my Guitar Gently Weeps," or the meditative chant of "My Sweet Lord?" My spiritual quest ebbs and flows like the poignant music of George Harrison. All things must pass is a bittersweet refrain. Time is precious, its passage inevitable. This is my last blog of the year, my last weekly blog, a bittersweet decision. Meantime, enjoy the moment. All things must pass.

Posted on December 23, 2011 and filed under Un-Blog Me!.


In memory of my brother, Larry Gruntfest June 6, 1944 - December 11, 2011

You, Beloved, who are all the gardens I have ever gazed at, longing. An open window in a country house-- , and you almost stepped out, pensive, to meet me. Streets that I chanced upon,-- you had just walked down them and vanished. And sometimes, in a shop, the mirrors were still dizzy with your presence and, startled, gave back my too-sudden image. Who knows? Perhaps the same bird echoed through both of us yesterday, separate, in the evening...

From 'Ahead of All Parting: The Selected Poetry and Prose of Rainer Maria Rilke'

Posted on December 16, 2011 and filed under Un-Blog Me!.

Worst Song?

Strangest thing I heard on the radio, maybe you heard, too. The DJ took suggestions for the worst songs of the year and played them! Why would he do that?! Actually, I kind of liked the idea…One pick was Dave Matthew’s “Funny the Way It Is,” which is a song I really love. I was upset that someone would hate that song. It made me wonder about the person who chose it. He had such a strong negative reaction to the lyrics (not so much the music), I wished I could have asked him why. I love the song because it reflects my observer’s sensibility about the random nature of fate….the “there but for the grace…” aspect of life. I’m sure the guy was reacting to something personal; maybe he has a cushy life, or maybe a hard life, which might explain his aversion. Or, maybe he just didn’t like the lyrics?  




Posted on December 9, 2011 and filed under Un-Blog Me!.

'Twas the night of the opening

‘Twas the night of the opening

when all through the cell,

The staff was all quiet

After another day in hell.


The paintings were hung

On the walls with great care,

In hopes that family

and friends would be there.


Nancy was typing away at her blog

With Garlia, Kira and Pat in a fog.

Alan arrived with a headache or two

Looking for Advil, he needed a few…


“Hello?” cried an innocent voice from below.

“Has Barbara arrived yet?”

“Uh, sorry, but no.


She should arrive shortly,

feel free to explore,

You’ll hear her as soon as

she comes through the door.”


The staff remained quiet

Before the arrival

Of gawking cheese-eaters

Who come for survival.


They came and they ate

the scant offerings with wine,

Considered the art

Before leaving it behind.


But wait! There’s a straggler

Who understand’s art:

The super-extra-ordinary kind…

From the heart.


“A sale, a sale, a sale!”

we cried.  Barbara’s an artist,

it can’t be denied!!!

Posted on December 2, 2011 and filed under Un-Blog Me!.

Era of Protest

San Francisco, a perennial hub of activism, is currently represented by two artists of interest; one paints a picture of an unforgettable era, the other paints unforgettable pictures. The result of this dual display reminds us that history repeats in ever unpredictable  permutations. This week's salon will explore the political parallels between two fascinating eras of protest.  

Image: Chance of Showers - Barbara Silverman

Posted on November 11, 2011 and filed under Un-Blog Me!.

Matter Matters

Matter Matters

Hunt, gather, shoot, purge, repeat

Our destiny, encoded in our ancestral genes is indelible, as if written in stone.

The proliferation of malls is no more than a call; civilization’s unapologetic answer to a primitive urge.

I hunt, I gather and armed (with a camera) I shoot, recognizing my feeble gesture as a holding on to what I must let go.

The photo, slim token, tiny ephemera, is the thing I use to preserve what I must purge.

Posted on November 4, 2011 and filed under Un-Blog Me!.


“I could spend a day with a fire hydrant!” was the refrain drummed into me as a photo student. It was kind of a running joke in our class, but obsessive engagement with a subject is the ultimate ingredient for success with the craft. We learn to see when we focus, focus when we learn to see. While I love taking pictures, my secret truth is that I could not spend a day with a fire hydrant. My dogs, on the other hand…


Posted on October 28, 2011 and filed under Un-Blog Me!.

Rock Your Socks Off

Rock Your Socks Off

Today Kira and I went to a competition.  It was a competition for classical musicians. We were there to see Sybarite5, our artists in residence. Now, I hate competitions, but I love music. Before Syb5 appeared, we sat through another performance, an impressive violist displaying off-the-chart emotion and technique. I thought, “She’s amazing.” I leaned over to Kira and whispered, “Why do they have to compete? Why can’t everyone win?” I sat enthralled, firm in my belief that music can save the world. Then Syb5 rocked the house. I mean, the audience went wild! If you think you don’t like classical musical music, this group will change your mind.  Their arrangements of work by bands like Radio Head and Led Zeppelin have the effect of mind-expanding drugs. Seriously. If music can save the world, this group is in the front line. We are thrilled to be presenting Sybarite5 this Saturday night. There is no other place I know of in this city where you can intimately experience top-notch performers for next to nothing. Please come! If your not blown away, we’ll refund your price of admission.

PS. They won!


Posted on October 21, 2011 and filed under Un-Blog Me!.

Guest Blog: the best thing i have seen in years


Ardente - Memorial Para Pedro e Ines


A poetry of light

and mask (masque)


of such determined intensity

Is this the "cosmic" theatre of Leszek Madzek

or the "cosmic" theatre of our dreams


Our eyes cannnot leave the stage

and yet

there is no stage

but a strange world

of sound and motion

antidiluvian in aspect

Tears of joy

Love revealed

We tremble in our seats

attempt to awaken

from this dream

but the actors

hypnotize us

mesmerize us


a story is revealed


we have dreamt before

in the flames of our unconscious

The music pulses in our veins

a shrieking voice demands recognition



we collapse in our seats


Lights come on

We leave the theatre

but the theatre has not left us

A black shrouded bent female figure


reaching out a terribly deformed hand

pleading with eyes

hardly visible

under twisted and suffering skin

to ask

for Mercy

and money



to Luis Vicente

the Actors

the Musicians

the Technical Crew


for an extraodinary event

One which

everyone should experience!


sent with love

on the fourth day of october 2011



white oak man aka john gruntfest

Posted on October 13, 2011 and filed under Un-Blog Me!.