All things must pass

Martin Scorsese's recent documentary on George Harrison filled me with a deep spiritual satisfaction, both rare and beautiful. As I grapple with the deaths of my friend, Elana, and of my brother, Larry, near the 47th anniversary of my father's passing, I reach for the kind of solace Harrison exuded and Scorsese captured and illuminated in his exquisite film. I am reminded of the song and biblical sentiment, "All things must pass." Indeed. Grief is a mysterious thing. As I go through my daily activities, I find myself at once mourning my loss, as if a part of myself has died with those I love, and celebrating my incredible good fortune; I'm here! Life is sweet and tragic. The end of a short life is tragic while the end of suffering is sweet. Holding these thoughts and emotions in balance is my challenge, maybe the challenge. Many wonderful memories sustain me, as does the music of George Harrison. Who can't relate to the haunting lyrics and chords of "While my Guitar Gently Weeps," or the meditative chant of "My Sweet Lord?" My spiritual quest ebbs and flows like the poignant music of George Harrison. All things must pass is a bittersweet refrain. Time is precious, its passage inevitable. This is my last blog of the year, my last weekly blog, a bittersweet decision. Meantime, enjoy the moment. All things must pass.

Posted on December 23, 2011 and filed under Un-Blog Me!.